Blur – Getting up on 27 June, lets Discuss its Features
Blur – Getting up on 27 June, lets Discuss its Features

About Blur

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BLUR is the official brand of Blur, a unique non-fungible token (NFT) market and aggregator platform that offers advanced features such as real-time pricing, portfolio management and Multi-market NFT comparison. It claims to have faster NFT swipes and a more intuitive interface than other similar platforms. As a result, many professional NFT traders are increasingly choosing to use Blur for their trading activities – although this may be due to incentives such as the recent airing of 360 million BLUR tokens – worth $ 100. ‘about $ 355 million at the time of writing.

It is an Ethereum-based platform that has raised more than $14 million from global investors and clients including Paradigm, 6529, Cozomo Medici, dhof, Bharat Krymo, Zeneca, OSF, MoonOverlord, icebergy, Deeze, Andy8052, Keyboard Monkey and many others. . BLUR rose to prominence after its launch in October 2022, when it promised the air of BLUR tokens to top users of the platform.

Why Invest in Blur Network (BLUR)

There is no one answer to this question, because the best way to invest in Blur Network depends on your situation and your goals. However, some things that can be invested in the Blur Network include:

  1. The platform can be used to create a safe and secure ecosystem for businesses and individuals.
  2. The platform can help reduce online advertising costs for businesses.
  3. Platforms can help make it easier to share content and ideas online without fear of censorship or privacy violations.

What makes BLUR special?


Blur is well designed to excel in areas where other platforms fall short, especially in the highly controversial form of NFT creators. It supports creatives by offering royalty-payers with additional BLUR tokens as incentives and strives to improve the balance between creators and consumers.

It does not fully support the creator’s sovereignty as OpenSea does. However, in a protest in February 2023, it announced that any collection prevented from selling that OpenSea could collect full royalties from Blur.

Although it is suitable for professional traders, newcomers to the NFT market can also benefit from the various features of Blur with some effort to learn how to use the platform. Blur has also appeared in other NFT markets and many of its features support a better NFT trading experience that can help customers maximize their profits. It is said to have quick NFT swipe and snipe features, instant price entry, and price-based processing features. As a collection, it links to X2Y2, OpenSea and LooksRare

Obviously, the platform has no trading fees for selling NFTs, and customers can check their digital assets through the Blur wallet tab, which provides information on scarcity, profit, profit and loss. , and others.

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