Blur -Discuss aboOne of the Best Trending Token In 2023
Blur -Discuss aboOne of the Best Trending Token In 2023

Introduction of Blur (BLUR)

As one of the most popular aggregator NFT markets, Blur is dedicated to becoming the best place for professional NFT trading clients. With Blur, users can use NFTs across markets, manage portfolios using advanced analytics, save gas prices, and use real estate, all in one place.

It is expected that the BLUR token, which is the official token of Blur, will have its first global listing on the Bitget platform on February 14.

Backed by renowned investment firm Paradigm, Blur has seen rapid growth in daily active users and total business since inception. From December 2022 to early February 2023, Blur’s volume reached 143% of Openea, making it one of the largest NFT trading platforms.

The Blur Network is designed to address the privacy and security risks posed by specialized mining hardware and mining pools. Miners turn to these to reduce the difference in block reward from mining.

Our network sees these current solutions as fundamentally harmful. Centralized pools and limited access to specialized mining hardware put the security of the existing network in the hands of a few. With the desire to keep mining hardware accessible to enthusiasts, hardware-specific resistance methods were studied. However, this method restricts access to compatible hardware.


To make up for this, hardware resistance is a kind of constant cat and mouse situation. Instead of subscribing to this philosophy, Blur aims to create an inclusive environment for all mining hardware.

This is reflected in an experiment we call Fractal Multichain, which aims to provide a realistic, hardware-specific proof of concept. Each string will be assigned a different value, and the hash power of the same device (including the CPU).

Blur is expanding its presence

Although it was launched less than five months ago, Blur has brought OpenSea a threat as the market has overtaken its competitors in the market. The market is now taking another step to improve its reach in the crypto community by launching its own BLUR token.

BLUR came to life on February 15 with the launch of its “Season 2”.

Treating the second phase as a separate process, Blur wants to break itself, starting with the distribution of 360 million BLUR tokens. It will be distributed between merchants, social guardians and creatures, Blur to make decisions. When finished it, the market said,

What is BLUR Token?

BLUR is the official brand of Blur, “the new NFT market for traders”. The Blur token is based on ERC-20 and will have a maximum supply of three billion.

The launch of BLUR represents Blur’s strategy to actualize the decentralized governance of its market – and grab market share from its rivals. To be the first to know about our new listings, product releases and offers, you can contact us on Discord, Telegram and Twitter. We also encourage you to check our blog regularly.

BLUR token used for?

The original customer has no problem ruling with business people on October 2022. At the time, said it would open the icon in January 2023, but later delayed the move until February 21. 14, 2023, amid technical challenges.

However, you may be wondering: why would you need a logo when Blur can provide the same service without the need for a logo? Blur as an NFT platform requires a token called BLUR to provide governance services. According to CoinTelegraph, token governance is a type of cryptocurrency

that allows token holders to vote on the direction of blockchain projects. The main purpose of governance symbols is to facilitate decision-making and to empower stakeholders in project management.

Basically, more tokens = more power to you, so it attracts people to invest in tokens. Therefore, incentivizing holders to lead this project allows the Blur token to grow. At the same time, he supports royalties for creators. This is done by increasing the royalty using another BLUR signal.

It is also said that the BLUR logo should have more value than just the official logo, but there is no clear path as of February 2023.

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