Digital Currency : Discuss About Its History, Types.
Digital Currency : Discuss About Its History, Types.

Digital Currency

Digital currencies currently have only a small number of users and the regulatory and tax treatment of digital currencies is still changing. The necessary infrastructure to support digital currency is still being determined and developed. Cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies are forms of digital currency. As payments are made directly between payers and receivers, digital money can eliminate intermediaries, processing and infrastructure costs unlike traditional payment methods that cannot be passed through. bank or clearing house. It can also help make money flow easier and more transparent.

Digital currencies have many advantages, such as the ability to pay quickly and with low transaction costs. Another way digital currencies can help the organization is to eliminate/reduce exposure risks by using them as travel funds.

Currently, banks do not accept digital currency, so individuals or groups can charge interest on them. There are also risks associated with digital currency such as security, currency exchange, and identification of payment receipts. Certain areas of uncertainty, such as regulatory compliance and customer identification, as well as risks, limit the adoption of digital currency in the payment industry.

How can I buy digital currency?

To buy, sell or trade electronic money, you must rely on tried and tested exchanges. Cryptocurrency exchange is an online system that bridges the gap between the seller and the buyer. One can buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies for other electronic money exchanges on many platforms.
They are even able to convert money into traditional currency. For example, a bitcoin debit card can be applied using any digital payment method and can be used to turn e-money into money or traditional money.
The process is very simple, register with the exchange of your choice and they will allow you to save money in a digital wallet. Those with strong security features and having private keys are often considered the best.

A private key is a secret number that helps to have the actual purchase amount; otherwise, they will not be under your name. Standard trading systems like Robinhood don’t allow you to have your own keys. As such, you need to do extensive research to find the right digital asset for your needs and find its platform. For starters, Coinbase, Gemini, and Binance are major trading platforms that support some of the biggest names in the industry.

The history of digital currency

E-gold  1996

The concept of digital currency started when the internet was still taking hold of most parts of the world. E-gold is an example. Started in 1996 by an oncologist named Douglas Jackson, the lawyer managed to have more than 5 million people in 2009. E-gold has grown so much that even consumers have started to accept it. Digital currency backed by gold became a successful business until it entered the favorite list of criminals and criminals. Continued attacks on the platform by cybercriminals and the use of e-gold as the preferred currency by extortionists and money marketers led to its downfall. 

WebMoney – 1998

WebMoney was launched in 1998. Apart from the decentralization aspect, WebMoney is a digital currency for all intents and purposes. The Moscow-based company offers a variety of financial services, including peer-to-peer payment solutions, customer service, online billing and payments, and even online shopping systems. WebMoney became the next best thing after e-gold and attracted many good and bad e-gold users right after it took off. However, WebMoney made changes to its service soon to prevent its illegal use. WebMoney currently supports a number of international currencies, including the British Pound, USD, Russian Rubles, and even Bitcoin.

Freedom Defense – 2006

Liberty Reserve can be seen as a desperate attempt to create an anonymous money transfer business. It allowed users to create an account on the platform and transfer money to anyone without any verification. User accounts are not identified, and users have the option to hide their independent account information from their senders.

However, as expected, it became a favorite destination for cyber criminals and the government did not like it. Authorities in many countries and its promoters jailed for money laundering and illegal activities to close Liberty Reserve. In May 2013, the administration closed the platform.

Full Money  2007

Perfect Money is another digital currency platform that works with multiple currencies including USD, EUR, GBP, BTC and more. Like many other digital currency platforms in the past, the death of an established platform will lead to the growth of its successor. The same thing happened with perfect money. Liberty Reserve customers were flooded with cash when regulators closed the first one. Full Fund also offers similar services as Liberty Reserve without verification. However, full funding is not available in the United States and for US citizens anywhere in the world.

Bitcoin  2009

Bitcoin was first introduced in 2009 as a decentralized digital currency platform. Unlike all other digital currencies in the past, Bitcoin has an advantage in its nature that allows the entire platform to manage a larger community rather than a single person or company. It will also eliminate the opportunity of the person running the whole organization to manipulate the audience to satisfy their greed and selfishness. Not to mention the fact that the bitcoin protocol is open source, preventing anyone from having access to the entire system. The security and transparency associated with bitcoin is also worth mentioning.

Bitcoin seems to have struck the right tone, satisfying all the fears about digital money that have been built up over the years of experience and digital money platforms have in the middle. Following the popularity of bitcoin, new digital currencies have emerged, including national currencies. Ecuador has adopted its own digital currency and even Barcelona; Spain plans to make digital currency legal tender.

Types of Digital Currency

Digital Currency


Ethereum is a decentralized computing platform with smart contract functionality. It offers the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), a virtual machine that runs peer-to-peer contracts using the cryptocurrency known as ether. Ethereum game allows many uses for smart contracts. With Ethereum, you can safely trade with someone you don’t know; because all the issues are recorded in the “smart contract” which is included in the blockchain. 


Ripple is a time exchange, money transfer and settlement system. It offers instant, secure and affordable international payments. Also known as the Ripple protocol or Ripple Transaction Protocol (RTXP), it is built on an open source internet protocol and a local currency called XRP (ripples). According to the public document, Ripple uses a confirmation system for all transactions, transfers, and payments in the distribution system.


Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency issued under the MIT/X11 license. A currency inspired by technology almost like bitcoin. The processing and transfer of Litecoin is based on an open protocol.


Dash, also known as Darkcoin, is a more hidden form of Bitcoin. It provides more privacy as it runs on a distributed mastercode network that makes transactions almost untraceable. Starting in 2014, this fund has been growing steadily. Designed and developed by Evan Duffield, this cryptocurrency according to Fernando Gutierrez of, has an X11 ASIC that mines Dash and CPU mining has been useless for some time.


Also known as PPPoin, Peercoin was created by software developers Scott Nadal and Sunny King. Launched in 2012, it was the first digital currency to use a combination of proof-of-work and proof-of-concept. First, the coin is mined using a hashing method that shows the function. Over time, as the hashing difficulty increases, users are rewarded with coins using a proof-of-concept algorithm that requires less energy to create a block.


Launched in 2013, Dogecoin is based on the Bitcoin system, but with some changes. This currency uses scrypt technology as a proof of work system. Its timeout is 60 seconds. There is no limit to the number of Dogecoin that can be created. Digital money uses many coins that are not worth one another. Therefore, it has a low barrier to entry and is ideal for small businesses.


Primecoin was developed by Sunny King. Its proof-of-work is built on the basis of statistics, so it is different from the normal hashcash system used by many cryptocurrencies built on the Bitcoin system. The coin involves finding a unique long chain of primes and provides easy access to mining and great security in the network. 


Chinacoin is a litecoin-based digital currency that uses a scrypt password-based key release feature. At the moment there are 60 second blocks and around 88 coins per block. 


Ven is a global digital currency designed to facilitate transactions between Culture Hub members. Started in 2007, Ven seeks to reduce the risk of inflation. Ven’s value in the financial market is determined by a basket of commodities, money and carbon futures.


Bitcoin is a digital currency created by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. Like other currencies, bitcoin can be used for local and electronic purchases. As a new user, you can use Bitcoin without understanding all its details. Once you install a bitcoin wallet on your mobile phone or computer, it will generate the first bitcoin address and you can withdraw any time you want. After you generate bitcoins, you can use them for all kinds of transactions.

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